Rev Lawrence Kong Hee

Vampires and Va_i_as, Heresy and Hearsay

Monologues and Fang Fragments to Provoke and Penetrate.

This is dedicated to every: 1) constipated-sounding spastic-charismatic mercenary-capitalist preacher who speaks in a million tongues but can't get a job as a UN translator, 2) wimpy romantic idealist-spiritualist who condemns every bit of ruthless pragmatism as "materialism of the World". 3) superstitious Caste/Sexism/Superstition-mongering pseudo-guru/swami/imam/pope and followers. Prosperity gospel mongers are obviously dangerous. Poverty gospel mongers are obscenely insidious. Just insurance in gaming Amazon's search algorithm-"recommended" keywords are inserted here: heresy, heresy christian history, power play, fantasy free, vengeance, kindle books, fifty shades of grey. Writing for a traditional publisher means tolerating some editor's whims, fancies and chicken-or-egg speculation about market tastes. Publishing on Amazon Kindle means tolerating (or hopefully exploiting) the search algorithm. The only Meritocracy either way is Monetary, not Literary.

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The Great Physician and Snakebite

The Great Physician's preferred snakebite vaccination method is apparently snakebite. Gen3:15


The Great Physician invented Euthanasia. But retains exclusive copyright. Gen3:22,9:6


Physicians wonder if the Great Physician prefers prophylaxis, healing or killing one disorder with another. [Jer31:33-34, 1 Ki 8:37, 2 Cor 12:7]
Economists wonder if the Chief Economist prefers supplying in excess or curbing demand excess. [Psa23:5, Eph3:20, Matt7:7, Matt6:34, Jam4:3]


Free will without freedom from consequence is like free beer with tax.


Absolute Death and Taxes?

The absolute facts of biological life are death, fuck, fucking physics and fucked up opinions. Spirits absolutely c̶u̶n̶t̶ can't give a fuck. Matt22:30


During puberty you are an adult trapped in a kid's body. After that the converse is true. Epitome of Stupidity and Bureaucracy in human Biology.


Adam and Eve didn't need puberty.Their descendents need it as insult to injury.


Nature's greatest sabotage is dumb instinct feeling like clever choice.


Adrenaline is the smartass that forces you to accept stupidity for strength as cure-all against danger.

The Gene Pool

When a genius dies, the gene pool struggles to make replacement.
When a moron dies, the gene pool instantly replenishes in excess.
When I die, I'll try to take the whole gene pool down with me.


"Variety" in the natural distribution curve is nature's lame excuse for bad quality control.


Natural selection is the consequence of bad preemptive quality control masquerading as a post-corrective measure.


Lesson from Noah's Ark:
If you can't or won't evacuate babies from bathwater, it's the lesser evil to throw them out with floodwater. [Gen6:7]
If you evacuate a few specimens by ark, ensure history doesn't repeat itself. [Gen8:21]
Otherwise stop having babies. [Ecc4:3]


Better throw the baby out with bathwater than let it drown and rot in wastewater.

Laws of Nature

Nature owes us nothing. We owe nature nothing. Nature's laws just happen to be self-enforcing.


The will to win is the will to make somebody lose. That somebody could be yourself.


Lying down to die: surrendering to nature.
Fighting for survival: playing into nature's hands.
Nuking everything to subatomic particles: outsmarting nature.


When hounded into a dead end, blow it to smithereens. Even if you become a collateral casualty, you escape and destroy the hounds.

No People? No Problem

No people? No problem.
No people = No problem.


Free will is a mis-conception. More like contraception.


Overcopulation - Contraception = Overpopulation


The expletive phrase "fucking idiot" is philosophically deeper than most realise. Overcopulation and stupidity constitute a vicious cycle. Ask Solomon. 1 Kings 11.


Sex hormones are by definition "fucked up". Breeding and Bitching.


Backups are born from Fuckups. Biology. Engineering.


The least evil consequence of original sin was infertility. Gen 3:16.
Yeah right.


Sterilization. Extinction. Salvation.




Life is like a box of chocolates - safer with an expiry date. Gen 3:22




The Life Cycle

Physicians, first do no harm. Parents, first transmit no bad traits. Oops, too late.


I don't blame my ancestors for transmitting bad genes. I pity them for inheriting bad genes and optimism.


If thanking God for life means thanking God for bad genes, then thanking God for salvation means thanking God for Original Sin.


Transmitting AIDS to offspring: atrocity.
Transmitting original sin: collateral damage in "being fruitful and multiplying".


Had Adam and Eve grown infertile from original sin, perhaps Jesus would be the Second Adam from Soil. Or maybe Jesus should have been the first Adam.

Tiger Mums and Bitch Mums

For evey tiger parent there are 10 cannibalized or suicide cubs.


Spare the rod and spoil the child. Spare the child and spare the rod.


Big Brats breed small brats. Contraception is better than cure.


If you bitch, don't breed. If you've bred, don't bitch.

Rejoice in the Lord

Rejoice in the lord always and again I say, stop giggling at christian funerals. Phil4:4, Rom12:15, Matt5:4, Jhn11:35


If you hate a job, learn to love it so much that you'd die for it. Then you'd need no longer do it.


If you don't complain about your shoes only because of the man with no feet, you would complain about your feet after seeing the man with 3 feet.


Happy-hippy-nosiy church youth will quote pastor saying that the joy of the lord is separate from visible external circumstances, then stigmatise you as unspiritual and antisocial for forgetting to wear a visible external joyful grin.


1. Get pissed off at the world's troubles - ungrateful and unable to count your blessings.
2. Compart-mentalise away the troubles to enjoy your blessings - complacent, unsympathetic and "in your own world".
3. Nuke-purge the troubles - "terrorist and mass murderer".
4. Question God - "skeptic or heretic".
5. Compromise and progress incrementally - solving old problems with newer ones.


The Lord is a practical God indeed.
Practical problems. Practical solutions. Practical jokes.

Jesus Wept

Jesus doesn't weep over every corpse He resurrects.
Neither does He resurrect every corpse He weeps over.


God sometimes gives you His perspective by biologically killing you. After that you're free from Nature's red tape.


When God lets satan stab your crotch and twist the blade, He also does some of the following:
1) Look at you with tearful doe-eyes and say He's the great comforter, healer, protector and co-victim. [Jhn14:26, Mark5:8, Jhn10:11, Mark8:31]
2) Tell you to shut the hell and suck it up, as from potter to clay. [Job40-42, Rom9:21]
3) Return satan the favour. [Rev20:10]
4) Press ctrl-Z. [Dan2:21?, Rev21:5]


God is probably pissed less by being denied than maligned. Like rubber-stamping "love of God" and "divine sovereignty" over plain atrocity.

Walk by Faith

Walk by faith and not by sight. And you'll levitate safely over the pit or through the loophole right under your nose.


An infinite God isn't slave to silly finite tradeoffs. Such as between free will and infallibility.


Only the Trinity can unify double standards.