
Francis G. Fawkes

The Gunpowder Plot


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1. Auflage1 Version 1|2020

© Ernst Klett Sprachen GmbH, Rotebühlstr. 77, 70178 Stuttgart, 2008.

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Zeichnungen: Duncan Smith, London

Umschlagfoto: Mauritius GmbH, Alexander Kupka

Umschlaggestaltung: Elmar Feuerbach

eISBN 978-3-12-909084-8


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13


Chapter One

October 20th - A house in Nottingham

Helen Fawkes was putting on her nurse’s uniform when she heard the front door open.

“Guy, is that you?” she called from the bedroom.

“Where have you been? It’s nearly half past five!”

“Hi, Mum! Yes, it’s me,” Guy called back.

Helen Fawkes heard him running upstairs.

“Will you get your own tea, please? I have to go to work now!” she said.

“Yes! Later!” Guy answered.

As soon as he was in his bedroom, Guy switched on his computer and typed in his password: GUNPOWDER. Other kids in his class spent their time and money on music, or sport, or new clothes, but not Guy. He spent most of his time - and money - on CD-ROMs for his computer. And when he wasn’t sitting at his computer, he was doing experiments in his home-made chemistry laboratory. Guy opened his bag and took out the CD-ROM that he had bought on his way home from school. He read the big red letters on the cover:

Time Travel Series: Famous Events from the Past
The Gunpowder Plot
Interactive CD-ROM

He took the CD-ROM out of its box, pushed it into the drive and waited. The machine clicked as usual and then the screen went dark. Suddenly a white light exploded in the middle of the screen and there was a fantastic firework display.

Guy clicked the mouse. The title and a short text came on the screen:

Guido Fawkes - The Man
and his Times.

“Guido Fawkes? I thought he was called Guy,” Guy thought to himself. Of course he knew a bit about the Gunpowder Plot, but he wanted to learn more. That is why he had bought this CD-ROM. Guy read the rest of the text and learned that Guy Fawkes was also called Guido, which is Spanish for Guy. He clicked again. The music stopped and some dates appeared in boxes on the screen.

A voice like a robot’s said: “Click onto any of these dates and you can go back in time.”

Guy clicked on April 1605. His trip back in time to meet the man with his name was beginning.

Fawkes ['fɔ:ks]

gunpowder ['ɡʌnˌpaʊɗə] Schießpulver

laboratory [ləˈbɒrətrı] Labor

plot Verschwörung

drive Laufwerk

screen Bildschirm

firework display Feuerwerk

Guido ['ɡwi:dəʊ]

Chapter Two

Later that day - in Guy’s bedroom

April 1605. Parliament Square, London. Four men sit in a dark room. There is very little daylight in the room because opposite the windows is a large grey building. It is only a few metres from this room to the Houses of Parliament.

On a small table there is one candle, a silver goblet with red wine, and a piece of paper.