Richa Golvis

The divine merger through tantra yoga

To my tantric master and all the spiritual gurus who have blessed me and given me an experience that is highly profound.

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Tantra is a possibility to higher realm of consciousness

When I use the words higher consciousness, it is mainly used as a generic term which envelops multi-possibilities. For some people, it could mean their Soul. For others it could mean their Higher Self. For another it may mean Angelic Beings. For someone else it could mean God. And it could also be a term to denote a guide or Guru. It is important that as we grow in spiritual awareness that we are able to connect to a quality of being which is beyond our small egoic mind. The term higher consciousness refers to that space beyond the mind. As we open to this space in meditation, it doesn’t really matter what label we give it. Someone feels an affinity with Tara while another may feel an affinity with Mother Mary. Someone may prefer to sense higher self and another may feel at ease with sensing their soul. Whatever you feel good with as a state of being, is fine. The most important thing is to expand awareness into sensing the beyond.


As long as we believe that the mind is the boss of our lives, we are doomed to live in past and future. When we expand our awareness to include higher consciousness, we are able to realise that the mind is simply a bio computer which has a very refined ability to store and catalog data / memories, etc. However, if it is the boss, our life experience will be limited to memories of the past and projections into the future. When we open to higher consciousness, and recognise consciousness as the king of our inner world, we are able to live life passionately, in this very moment. Being in the moment brings tremendous joy and creativity. In essence, being aware of higher consciousness helps us to realise that the microcosm contains the macrocosm.

The awakening of authentic sexual energy


What authentic sexual energy energy? I define it as proudly claiming your erotic self and mindfully channeling sexual energy. You never use it to hurt, manipulate, make conquests, or get addicted to the ego trip of sensual pleasure at the expense of others. This is bad karma. Nor do you allow others to harm or disrespect you. Sexual energy is not just who you are in bed, though that’s an aspect of it. You also make electric linkages to your body, to spirit, to a lover, to the universe. For me, it’s a turn-on when sexual power is blended with spiritual power.


Too many of us in this heady, frantic world lack the rich experience of having a primal connection with someone. Sexual energy can offer us this, a satisfaction you can never get from your intellect alone. As you open to both sex and spirit, whether you’re single or part of a couple, you’ll be a vessel for erotic flow, enjoying pleasure without insecurities or inhibitions.

We’ll discuss many fun approaches for letting go that you can integrate into your lifestyle. Don’t worry if you can’t succeed all of the time. Be happy with every bit of progress. Here are some general tips to keep in mind to improve your sexual energy. The more you can practice them, for short or longer periods, the more sexually alive you’ll be.



The process of surrender in tantra yoga with your partner

You need to know the true bliss of surrnder in tantra yoga along with your partner. Tgis allow you to be on the higher plane of alretness and govern the higher realities in you. You will feel deeply connected to yourself in the process of surrender with your partner. Tantra yoga is an incredible process to make this happen.


Surrender your “to-do” list, making time for sensuality and lovemaking.

Surrender your overactive, critical “monkey mind” that kills passion and stops you from being present in your body.

Surrender to pleasure as completely as possible.

Let yourself melt into the ecstasy of orgasm and become one with your partner.