
Rosemary Hellyer-Jones
Peter Lampater

The Master Spies of Selby Road


Rosemary Hellyer-Jones
Peter Lampater

The Master Spies of Selby Road

1. Auflage1 Version 1 | 2020

Das Werk und seine Teile sind urheberrechtlich geschützt. Jede Nutzung in anderen als den gesetzlich zugelassenen Fällen bedarf der vorherigen schriftlichen Einwilligung des Verlags.

© Ernst Klett Sprachen GmbH, Stuttgart, 1987.
Alle Rechte vorbehalten.

Gestaltung und Satz: Satzkasten, Stuttgart
Umschlaggestaltung: Elmar Feuerbach
Titelbild: iStockphoto / Rhienna Cutler
Zeichnungen: Wolfgang Metzger, Mühlacker

eISBN: 978-3-12-909077-0


1Master Spy

2Secret Messages

3Grosmont House


5Signals in the Night

6The Mystery of the Empty House

7The Room Upstairs


9The Attic

10The Rocking-Horse


1Master Spy

“Bye-bye! See you tomorrow!” says Barbara.

She and Ronny and Kevin are going home from school. They are outside the Kleins’ house now.

“Hey, wait,” says Ronny. “Can’t you come into my house for a few minutes? I want to show you something.” “OK,” says Barbara.

“But what about homework?” says Kevin. “We’ve got a lot this time.”

“There’s still time for that after tea,” says Ronny. “Come on!” So they all go into the Bennetts’ house next door.

“What do you want to show us then?” asks Barbara on the way upstairs. “Has Timmy got a new potty or something?”

“Don’t be silly! It’s something really good,” says Ronny, and he takes the other two into his room. He opens his cupboard and takes out a box.

Master Spy,” reads Kevin. “Hey, that looks good. Is it a new game?”

“Not really,” says Ronny. “It’s a present from my aunt in London. Look in the box.”

He opens it and takes a few things out. A false beard and a grey wig come out first.

Disguises” he says.

“Let’s try them on!” says Kevin.

“Wait. I must show you the other things first,” says Ronny. “Look. This bottle has got invisible ink in.”

“Invisible ink?” says Barbara. “But I can see it! It isn’t invisible at all.”

“Oh, Barbara!” says Ronny. “The ink isn’t invisible in the bottle! But when you write with it, it is. You can write secret messages with it. Watch.”

He gets a piece of paper and picks up a clean pen. Then he writes a few words with the invisible ink.

“See? It’s invisible! Nobody can read it.” Ronny gets a small candle out of the box. “Now watch again.”

He lights the candle and holds the piece of paper over it. When the paper gets warm, the words in invisible ink start to go brown.


“Hey, that’s clever!” says Kevin. “Let me try!”