Tina Gong

Cat Catastrophe

BookRix GmbH & Co. KG
80331 Munich

Chapter 1: Introduction

It is not fun to take care of a cat. Well, for me, four cats. Hi, my name is Gabby (everyone calls me by my nickname) , my full name is Gabriela Hills. I live in Australia and I’m a middle school tudent at Colonor International School (CIS). 


Back to the main thing which is cats. Oh, I just hate that stupid word and stupid thing!!! I’m in the cat sitting club at Herena Plaza held by my friend Alice Kile. We have (but now it's had) a secret meeting place in the Rondey bookstore. It got cancelled forever because Alice Kile is moving and I had to take care of the four “ Cutie Pies ”. That is soooooooo unfair!!! I mean, how can one person take care of four kitties at all once?! IMPOSSIBLE.


You might think that cats (especially kittens) are adorable and cute but when you get to know them really well , and after you finish reading this, you will probably think they are truly horrible. I hate cats because those filthy, little creatures ruined my entire life!!!